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April 14, 2015

Hi there TY LIN

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I have a typical daily routines for my weekdays. Home-office-home-dinner. It seems like just an average office worker life. However, what makes it special is I work in Taipei, Taiwan. As an expatriat Structural Engineer from Indonesia. I work in Ty Lin International group, Taiwan representative office. If you are a civil engineer, you will be familiar with the name of Ty Lin. Yes, we call him as the father of prestress concrete. I work in Oversea division here in Ty Lin, so my projects mostly are from overseas. I couldn't help to think that I am one of His blessed children ever. Work in Ty Lin gives me a lot of chances to learn, I also able to be in a part of so many big scales overseas projects. I somehow imagine myself as a world builder (pardon me for my exaggeration). Now, let me introduce you my daily routines. I guarantee you, my works are never be boring. Every project trusted to me is different and has a unique structural construction method. 

 The building is just straight in front of this passage street. 

Ty Lin Taiwan, inside this Lotus building

At the moment I arrived to my office, the first thing to do is buy my coffee and snack fr the nearest 7-11. I always order the same coffee everyday, Cafe Latte with add 2box sugars. I enjoy my coffeee and snack in my desk while checking my emails at the same time. I need to check whether I have a new comments from my clients.

After this routines, I ready to do my projects. Below is one of my project, steel connection drawing. My job is far from "femininity" but my job is pretty cool right? 

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