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January 08, 2016

Over Pressure(s)

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Doing 2 tender Stn(s) and soon need to submit report another current project+dance practice for perform+must to be completed requirements (Van) in this 1 month ONLY all by myself almost made me faint. and so confused. Half dwgs of 2nd sta done but forgot to put in new drwg list, because suddenly the 1st sta needs secondary struct DD also. Today, the Calc report 1st sta done, I missed the timing, someone went home when I finished practice dance. Even he said it is for monday, but still kind of need to say "yayyy I finish it. we can send it together with design statement report also now" to him asap. Being mad, when the soil data very late came and left me in 10days only for 1st sta dwg. Sad when everyone blamed me draw too details when I was just followed the order. Sometimes confused which one is the priority also. 1st sta comment? or 2nd sta DD? Stressful when even CAD rejected my dwgs because clients only give 1 day for secondary struct, they said impossible finish =="""""t. Then beloved PM said I need to draw it by myself a half dwgs to help CAD (analysis, DD, report even draw also by myself???????) . Gladly almost all of them will be finished next week, only left some dwgs and report revision of the not tender project one and dance performance. Can't believe I can survive through the typhoon. Finally I can have a very long sleep tom. Am I will really able to celebrate my realllll New Year aft that? Please dont mad again @repivs miss u so much. Sorry for so lost contact the whole 2 weeks 😘😘😘😘😘 thanks for always waiting me #mykindstory

November 18, 2015

A day stroll around Taipei with Angeline

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My longest bestfriend, 20 years friendship, was just coming to Taipei. She has been chosen as one of Indonesia Finswimming National Team for 15th Finswimming Asian Championship delegation. She wasn't expected that this year venue is in Taipei, me neither. However as soon as she heard that the venue chosen for this year is Taipei, She immediately contacted me and told me that she will fly to Taipei. soon. So, here she is in Taipei. Manseeeeeee 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩

As soon as she was arrived in Taipei, she line chat me "lets meet up" bahahaha. But, I visited her hotel at her second day, "Sorry Line I couldn't come for your first day as I have overtime also in office". After a whole week full with her championship schedule, finally she has an empty schedule, her last day in Taipei. So I decided to be her best tour guide that day 2015/11/08, well not the best actually. I was late 30mins to pick her up at her hotel. But hey, please pardon me. Her hotel is in Tianmu, Mellow Fields Hotel to be exact. Dang, Tianmu is like more than 1hour away from my house in Zhongxiao Fuxing by bus. The bus stop even located at one before the last stop! However, right after I picked her up, we directly go to National Palace Museum. 

National Palace Museum is a must, IMO, for a tourists. People can learn Taiwan history briefly. I personally love this museum architectural design. We took a photo together at some spot. 

Hahah, just look at Line's eyes. 

Line and Ste, Taipei 20151108

Ste&Line, National Palace Museum Taipei

After we gladly finish our National Museum tour, Angeline asked to have lunch first. Can't blame her, athletes metabolism seems just as fast as Shinkansen. It wasn't even 12.00 pm yet. She want to try modern toilet restaurant due to its unique concept. I was the one who suggested this restaurant to her since I know she likes to visit a theme restaurant. She looked so happy and excited with this restaurant and able to capt a lot of photos. 

Modern Toilet restaurant "quite ewhhhh" 

Line inside the Modern Toilet Cafe

Can you eat from a Toilet Bowl? 

After a full tummy, we were heading to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, another must go list in Taipei. Chiang Kai Shek is the former president of Republic of China (a.k.a Taiwan). 

The Gate. 

Your photo isn't complete without a jump pose photo, rite.

The hall which keeps the memorial of Chiang Kai Shek Alive. 

November 17, 2015

Conquer Taipei

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Don't you think it seems like I've conquered Taipei? 

In the top of Elephant Mountain (象山), you can see a whole Taipei. It is best to hike before sunrise or sunset time. The hikes took me around 20 minutes to the top, the hike trail includes a lot of stairs so it is totally save and comfortable for the hiker. 

How to get here: MRT Taipei red line, to Xiangshan station (象山站)Leave from exit 2 and then continue walk along the edge of the park. There are some street signs that will help to show the way to the entrance of this hiking trail. 

October 03, 2015

Jesus Army Scholarship Gate 1

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Saya dan adik saya mengucapkan terima kasih sebesar-besarnya untuk para pendaftar beasiswa. Terima Kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami. Kami samgat menantikan kerja sama yang akan kita jalani selama 6 bulan ke depan. Semoga kami bisa memberikan bantuan maksimal nukan hanya secara materi namun juga bantuan support, saran, sugesti dan motivasi sehingga para adik2 smua nantinya bisa mencapai impian masing2 sesuai essay yang dikirimkan. Here it is our final decision and result. Kita telah mereview dan memilih 5 anak terpilih yang akan menjadi "anak asuh" kita selama 6bulan ke depan. 5 anak yang terpilih adalah :

1. Eli Ester
2. Karlina Veradia
3. Novita Sari Sinambela
4. Merry Herlina Wati
5. Setiawan Vega

Untuk para pendaftar lainnya jangan berkecil hati, saya sungguh tidak menyangka akan mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik. Sesungguhnya saya sadar betapa banyak murid yang membutuhkan dan berpotensi besar, semoga gate ke dua nanti saya bisa memberikan bantuan untuk murid lebih banyak lagi. Terus dan teruslah berprestasi dan tingkatkan nilai nilai kalian untuk kesempatan lebih besar pada gate kedua 6 bulan lagi. 

Selamat sekali lagi untuk para pemenang beasiswa. Untuk yang belum memfollow FB, IG dan line, saya tunggu. Saya akan membuat grup LINE untuk adik-adik semua. 

September 30, 2015

Jesus Army Scholarship

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Today. 12.00 am. The deadline of me and my brother project "Jesus Army Scholarship"

Please see my last post for the complete requirements and submit all them asap if you still want to join the program

The announcement will be out this Saturday 18.00 pm (Indonesia time) at my blog. The students who get chosen can say "hi" to me by LINE, I will make a group chat room for all those 5 selected students.

So, see you guys this Saturday. I hope you can get chosen later. 

September 06, 2015

Jesus Army Scholarship

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Here it is. 
Several days ago I posted at my facebook and instagram account about my plan to share 6 continuous monthly scholarship program for 5 potential students in need. The scholarship valued as Rp. 600000 per month per student. It means every student will get Rp.3.600.000 in total after 6months. It is a trial collaboration project between me and my brother, Roberto Prans. This project has a high possibility to be continued to period II or we will stop it at the 7th months if we think it is hard to manage the project. However, We do have a hope that we can continue to period II. For the 5 students chosen at Period I, you need to give us your final raport/transcript/study report at the end of Semester. We will terminate the scholarship if we see a big lapping downgrade. Please note that this is a private scholarship, so the decision 100% is on our hand, We won't accept any protest at every decision we will make.  Then here it is the requirements for our private scholarship: 

1. Only for Indonesian students
2. Open for all ages/degrees students start from elementary school until University students
3. Only for students which study at "national school". Private school/private university students are restricted to register
4. Only for students which are struggle with their school fees. I need a proof for this. It is better if you can send me a statement from your head of local district. If it is hard to get the statement, you also can give me the statement from your teacher/lecturer/ professor. Write down their email address also in the statement
Please don't cheat. The scholarship maybe only a little money for some students but for others, it will really help them to continue their school.
5. Only for students with a great potential and a willingness to always study hard. Please submit me your grade transcript/report/raport from the last semester. 
6. Submit your photo and ID (KTP). For an under age students, you can send me the first page of your school raport also which showing your biography. 
7. Please add my facebook "Naomi stella Perangin Angin", My Instagram @Naomistella and my line @naostella and use tag #SteBertoJesusArmyScholarship if you post or share any related photos about your school/study
This because we do really want to know that my scholarship is really helping you in some ways. And via line, We will ask your improvement/difficulties/hardness or everything at your study. We will openly give you an advices for your study. We also 
8. Please submit a short essay about yourself and your dream. What exactly your dream and plan after graduate from university
9. Last but not least, Only for Christiany or Catholic students only. 

All the requirements can be submit to my email : The submission date will be closed at September, 30 2015. I will wait for your submission. Thank you.

Dan akhirnya pengumumannya keluar juga. Beberapa hari yang lalu saya memposting rencana saya untuk berbagi.  Saya ingin memberikan beasiswa 6bulan berkelanjutan (Periode I) untuk 5 pelajar dari keluarga tidak mampu yang memiliki prestasi yang bagus. Program ini adalah program kolaborasi saya dengan adik saya, Roberto Prans. Beasiswa yang akan dibagikan senilai Rp. 600.000 per bulan per pelajar.  Ini artinya per pelajar akan mendapatkan 3.600.000 total dalam 6bulan atau per semester. Ini adalah program percobaan. Proyek ini sangat dimungkinkan akan berkelanjutan untuk periode ke II. Atau akan dihentikan di akhir periode pertama jika kami sulit mengaturnya. Namun, kami sungguh berharap proyek ini akan terus berkelanjutan. Untuk 5 pelajar terpilih di periode pertama, kamu wajib memberikan kami hasil raport atau transkrip di akhir semester. Kami akan memberhentikan beasiswa jika kami melihat penurunan nilai drastis di raport/transkrip kamu di akhir semester. Tolong diingat ini adalah beasiswa pribadi jadi segala keputusan 100% ada di tangan kami. Kami tidak akan menerima protes dalam bentuk apapun dikemudian hari. Nah, ayo di cek syarat2 beasiswa nya di bawah ini: 
1. Hanya untuk pelajar Indonesia
2. Terbuka untuk segala usia dan kelas baik dari pelajar SD hingga pelajar universitas
3. Hanya untuk pelajar dari sekolah atau universitas negeri
4. Hanya untuk pelajar dari keluarga tidak mampu yang kesusahan membayar SPP sekolah. Tolong berikan pada saya bukti mengenai hal ini. Kamu bisa meminta tolong Pak RT di lingkup lingkungan rumahmu untuk memberikan statemen bahwa kamu benar2 dari keluarga tidak mampu. Jika susah menemui Pak RT, surat keterangan dari guru/ dosen juga bisa diajukan sebagai pengganti. Tolong lampirkan alamat email yang membantu memberikanmu statemen ini. Tolong jangan berbohong atau mempalsukan surat keterangan, karena uang bulanan ini mungkin kecil untuk beberapa pelajar, tapi sangat membantu untuk beberapa pelajar lainnya agar melanjutkan sekolah mereka.
5. Hanya untuk pelajar dengan prestasi sekolah yang bagus dan yang punya keinginan kuat untuk selalu belajar keras. Tolong submit raport atau transkrip di semester akhir
6. Submit photo mu dan scan kartu identitasmu (KTP). Untuk pelajar dibawah umur, kamu bisa mengganti KTP dengan halaman pertama raport sekolahmu yang menunjukkan identitas lengkapmu.
7. Tolong add FB saya "Naomi Stella Rosmaidah Perangin Angin" dan follow Instagram saya "Naomi Stella" juga add line saya "Naostella"
Ini karena saya ingin melihat apakah beasiswa yang saya berikan membantu walopun hanya sedikit. Melalui LINE saya juga berharap kita bisa aktif berkomunikasi sesekali agar saya bisa bertanya kesulitan studimu dan memberikan saran2 bagaimana melaluinya. Jika kamu mem-post photo yang berhubungan dengan Sekolahmu atau studymu, tolong gunakan  hastag #SteBertoJesusArmyScholarship. Untuk pelajar dibawah umur, kamu bisa men-skip syarat no.7 ini.
8. Tolong berikan saya essay singkat mengenai dirimu dan apa cita-cita dan impianmu selulus kuliah. Saya ingin tahu sejauh mana saya bisa membantu mewujudkan impianmu. 
9. Hanya untuk pelajar beragama Kristen atau Katholik

Semua persyaratan di atas bisa dikirim melalui email saya : 
Tanggal pengumpulan paling akhir adalah 30 September 2015. Saya akan memberikan pengumuman pada tanggal 3Oktober 2015. Beasiswa pertama akan diberikan pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2015. 

June 02, 2015

Boast the booty

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Just another casual dinner out wearing my daphne boot and oversized top. What I like about my outfit is its simple look.  

I bought my bag from one of the shopping street boutique "Airspace boutique" in 忠孝敦化, 台北。 The good thing about living in Taipei, It has so many shopping street and of course with an affordable price for their stuffs. "Taiwan is a heaven land for a shopaholic~~ Ste" 

Top ~ Unbranded top from 師大夜市(Shida Night Market)
Shoes ~ Daphne Shoes Taipei