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February 28, 2010

already feel d pressure

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Homework, homework and... HOMEWORK!!! I must learn to manage my time as good as i can. So many homeworks, reports, presentations in this semester. Well, this semester is heavier than the previous one.

My empty classroom in Civil Engineering department NCKU. Someday I'm going to miss this class. Now, I try to enjoy the class as much as I can. 

February 25, 2010

My Lab!!

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In NCKU, Every student must able to find and have a  suitable Professor to be their thesis advisor. It is not an easy job. The Professor must also interest and willing to accept them as their student. Sometimes they interview the students first, sometimes they need to hand over their thesis proposal first and then the laoshi (laoshi means teacher, how Taiwannese call their professor) take their final decision. Like take it or leave it.

 If the student get accepted, they will get a chance to do a research in their new Professor laboratory for graduate students. As for me, I found a very good professor who want and willing to be my advisor. I wish I can study well and finish my Master Degree under his advises. Every professor has their own laboratory (whether wet or dry laboratory). A wet laboratory means you can do a chemical experiment inside. A dry laboratory is kind of a study room group. They only have a desk with each computer for each student. In ITS, we also have a room to study and share about our courses, it is called CECC's room. But that room is available for all civil' students without privilege in ITS. 

In NCKU, each student has different study room, it depends on who is their professor. To make it an easy explanation, If one professor has 5 students, so there are 5 students who has a privilege to enter and use his laboratory. As a good student, you should come everyday in your laboratory to study or write your thesis. In this room also, our Professor held a meeting every week. Well, There are 5 students in my lab, included me. Mylabmates  are very nice and always help me in my difficulties.

My Lab

My lovely seat!

My new monitor, My professor prepared it for me, hehe..

I forgot to take my picture with my labmates..uh uh..maybe in the next chance. 

P.S : My Professor really excited to be able try an Indonesian food. I will take him to Indonesian Restaurant in Tainan in near future.

February 24, 2010


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My friends requested me to take some pictures of NCKU. Well, to take all of NCKU photos for every corner is a little bit difficult because NCKU is so big and impossible to take them just in one day. So, today i just able to take a photos of NCKU library and also my building, Civil Engineering department. Lucky me because my class schedule actually from 1-3 and 3-6 p.m but my first class today finished at 2 p.m. So before my second class started, I have an enough time to fulfill my friend request. xoxo.

NCKU's Library

A great architecture rite?

From the left side

The Corridor

An automatic door

Scanning door, Scan your ID student first to enter the building

I like this bookshelf, This shelf can moving automatically if u press the button

The buttons, just press the button n the shelf is move

There are some table to study

This shelf is not as cool as a moving shelfbook, hehehe

The Receptionist

Now, below are some photos of my department building, Civil engineering building. We have 2 separated building,  old one and the new one. The old one for classes and the new one for laboratories and Civil Engineering's professor  rooms. The old one is the oldest building in NCKU. That is why NCKU will not reformed or do any harm to this building like what it did to another department buildings. I think in ITS also has the similar story. Civil Engineering in ITS also the oldest building one and they also won't touch it, they let it as it is. Well my conclusion is because Civil Engineering is the oldest knowledge of engineering, all buildings for CE in some colleges in around the world are the oldest building one. Should I proud? haha. xoxo

Civil Engineering building, the old one

From the right side

Inside the old one building

The Corridor


Also The classroom

The new one building

My lab also in this building, heheh..

February 23, 2010

too fat?

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Pas balik ke Indonesia pada saat liburan sester kemarin, aku punya satu tujuan yang terwujud. Akhirnya aku memiliki foto wisuda S1 ku bersama keluarga. hehe.. Mungkin agak aneh kenapa kok ada yang gak mempunyai foto wisuda. Ceritanya, dulu saat prosesi upacara wisuda angkatanku di ITS, aku berhalangan mengikuti wisuda tersebut dikarenakan tanggal  keberangkatan ke Taiwan mendului tanggal wisuda, kira-kira berjarak 2bulan sebelumnya. Rencana awalnya disempatkan balik ke Indonesia sebentar untuk mengikuti prosesi upacara wisuda ini di tengah perkuliahan semester pertama diNCKU. Sehingga saya dan mama berpikir untuk menjahitkan kebaya wisuda saya sebelum keberangkatan ke Taiwan. Realita yang terjadi adalah pada saat bulan 10 perkuliahan sudah mulai padat dan berat, jadi terhalang kembali ke Indonesia. Batal sudah plan awal disempatkan balik PP Taiwan- Indonesia ini (Foto wisuda pun tidak ada sama sekali). Jadi, pas liburan pulang kemarin sungguh misi pertamanua adalah untuk foto.   Nami tetap saja ada halangan yang mengganggu, mengingat berat badan yang meningkat 7 kg di Taiwan, kebaya yang digunakan pada saat pengambilan foto tersebut bukan kebaya yang dijahitkan oleh mama sebelum keberangkatanku ke Taiwan. Kebayanya kita sewa di foto studionya (foto studio princess). Gimana lagi, kebayanya GAK CUKUP! Hiyaaa,,,sedih juga, pdhl kebayanya tuh bagus bgt warnanya. Baby blue dan baby pink. Sangat menyedihkan,  kecewa kecewa kecewa kecewa...

ni torsonya d bgn blkg g bs d resleting lg, huhu...

deil kebayanya, pdhl aq suka bgt :(

Santa claus is coming to town

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Once in a week my Professor held a meeting group discussion between him and his students, is. We need to  prepare the presentation of our researches. This meeting will be attended by all of my group laboratory. The dateline time for our next meeting is already closer ao it means I will meet my labmate again in nearby future. The problem is I forgot to bring any presenta for them from Indonesia back then. Oh my, I do remember brought something to my Professor and his assistant, but I did forget my labmates. How come ste, how come. What will you answer if they ask you "do you get us some souvenirs from Indonesia?" 
Well, I remember I didn't forget to bring some present to my family and some of my friends when I came back to Indonesia. But, I'm so stupid forgot my labmate when back to Tainan again. 

I became santa

This hat special for my brother, Roberto

@ Tao yuan airport be4 check in, hehe..

This is in my plane, Eva airlines

That famous class

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Today, I attended my night class (7-10 p.m), Finite Element Method (the most difficult, heavy but an important course). I've heard about so many bad rumors about this class, but I still pretty surprised tonight. Just a minute our professor entered class, he made a shocking announcement "First homework is already uploaded into my web, all of you can download and submit it next week" I kind of whatttt??? The course wasn't even already given, but he just talked about homework as soon as the class just begin. Well, now I think it is not just a rumor about this course has 17 homeworks and 2 close book exams (with each exam has 4 hours time, 18.30-22.30 p.m). Actually I just can drop out and cancel the class right now, however I just can't do it since this is a special course. It does really usefull for so many field in engineering such as Physics eng, mechanical eng, electrical eng and many more.

ah, I forgot to tell the differences between Indonesian students and Taiwannese students. In NCKU, students who come earlier than others will take a 'good' seat (good means the first row of class) not in the back row. However in Indonesia, students who come earlier also will take a 'good' seat (but in here good means in the back row). 

Missing.. Missing.. Missing Them!

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In Kaohsiung last friday, I saw some cuteeeee dog there. Looked at them reminds me my babies. In Taiwan, there are a lot of cute dog which made me screaming "how cuteeee" everytime I accidentally see them around.

He used a clothes and a pair a shoes, 有趣的!!!!

I really miss all of my babies, I just want to pick them up and accompany me in Taiwan rite now.

My Ramses

He is so Cuteeeee!!!!!

RocKie, Look How fat he is. I miss him a lot :(

really want finish my study as soon as possible this semester and look them again in Indonesia.

sorry, it is my bad!

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Me and Flowers

I Love flower,always, but in my history, It is not a secret anymore that I always fail to take care a plant (I don't have a pair of green hamd obviously). I've proved that I'm a bad florist. In CLC (NCKU Chinese language club) trip that I followed last semester, I got a beautiful orchid plant freely. 

my orchid plant, "before"

Less than a month later, that orchid become like this, "after" 
See, how bad I am?

February 22, 2010

NCKU International Carnival 2010

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March, 2010 there will be an International Carnival in NCKU. PPI (Persekutuan pelajar Indonesia) in Tainan also want to participate in this event. So before that, PPI held a meeting to discuss what kind of performances which we can do in this event. 
Here is of How if we do a meeting, the meeting was held in the Sheng-Li6 second floor, some STUT students also come to follow the meeting. Wow, I appreciate their dedication. STUT is pretty far from NCKU fyi. 

konferensi meja bundar

Haha, keep narciss even in the middle of meeting

P.S : Final decision, we will perform Saman dance. A famous dance from Aceh, excited enough to learn  Saman.

New Semester, New Spirit

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Today, My very first class in new semester is begin! The class subject is Analysis Structure of Bridge using Microcomputer. Actually, this course is taught in Chinese aka zhong wen. Bad news, my chinese is still very poor.My labmates   suggested me to take this course because there is no exam for this course and they will help me to translate for every homework. Nah, that is why I took this class at the beginning. I really hope this class will also able to improve my zhong wen.
This semester I took 5 subject. They each are Analysis Structure of Bridge using Microcomputer, Methods of Mechanical testing, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, Negotiation dispute, and last Project schedule control (all of them seem difficult). 15 credits is too many for me, maybe I'll drop one class. My resolution for my new semester :

1. New Spirit, Never Give Up, just try the best! Don't care too much about result, just try to finish one by one.
2. Don't be panic in every difficult homework.
3. Do homework directly in the same day that homework given,, In need to get rid those bad habits to postpone every homework.
4. Pray and pray,,,EVERY NIGHT!!!!
5. Study and study (and also try to stay in my lab every day)
6. Come to every meeting every week!! don't be sleepy anymore in every meeting althougt I don't understand the language.
7. Attend to all seminar every friday!

Anping (again?)

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First month living in Tainan, I went to Anping by bus with some compatriot. This time I try to visit it by myself.  Anping is an intersting spot and big enough to explore so that you can't do it only for a day. It has some interesting spot from edge to edge.
I visited a store which sell all about owl stuff. My bestfriend in Indonesia, Ayu, has an owl called Moyo. I think she'll be excited if know this kind of owl store does exist. 

An owl

All about owl

From this store the next point I decided to visit was anping beach,

And my next stop is anping tree house. 

Way to go to Anping tree house,

Anping tree house