January 08, 2016
Over Pressure(s)
Doing 2 tender Stn(s) and soon need to submit report another current project+dance practice for perform+must to be completed requirements (Van) in this 1 month ONLY all by myself almost made me faint. and so confused. Half dwgs of 2nd sta done but forgot to put in new drwg list, because suddenly the 1st sta needs secondary struct DD also. Today, the Calc report 1st sta done, I missed the timing, someone went home when I finished practice dance. Even he said it is for monday, but still kind of need to say "yayyy I finish it. we can send it together with design statement report also now" to him asap. Being mad, when the soil data very late came and left me in 10days only for 1st sta dwg. Sad when everyone blamed me draw too details when I was just followed the order. Sometimes confused which one is the priority also. 1st sta comment? or 2nd sta DD? Stressful when even CAD rejected my dwgs because clients only give 1 day for secondary struct, they said impossible finish =="""""t. Then beloved PM said I need to draw it by myself a half dwgs to help CAD (analysis, DD, report even draw also by myself???????) . Gladly almost all of them will be finished next week, only left some dwgs and report revision of the not tender project one and dance performance. Can't believe I can survive through the typhoon. Finally I can have a very long sleep tom. Am I will really able to celebrate my realllll New Year aft that? Please dont mad again @repivs miss u so much. Sorry for so lost contact the whole 2 weeks 😘😘😘😘😘 thanks for always waiting me #mykindstory
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