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February 18, 2010

I miss you my blog XOXO

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During January, 19 until February, 16 I decided to go to my hometown, Surabaya. I've a month full to spent my school holiday in Surabaya, Indonesia. Nah, Due to my bad internet network in Surabaya, I couldn't touch my blog... Actually I did enjoy my holiday in Indonesia. Not just I able to meet my family and friends but also I able to enjoy some Indonesian food,, Sate, gulai, soto, bakso, ayam goreng bu kris, primarasa, ayam goreng suharti, *actually, i forgot my mission to reduce my weight *smirk smile

When my holiday is over and I need to go back to Tainan, some of my friends delivered my departure from Surabaya airport, Juanda. It was surprised me because at the beginning they looked totally forget my schedule back to Tainan and  even didn't reply my "good bye-see you again" message.
I still remember how surprised I am to see their appearance at the airport. 

here, me with ayu and corry, love them all.

My family, I LOVE THEM, esp. my mom.

My babies, rockie and ramses, fat cats.

Over all, My Holiday was awesome, Reunion with all my bestfriends (I miss them all In Tainan), reunion with my family (and also fight w/ my brother), hugged my babies.
But now I'm back! Ready to write down my daily life in Tainan, Taiwan again.

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